It is the process of creating new variables (features) based on existing variables. This is called feature construction. 

Feature construction is an important process that can provide more information and insight into the data being processed. 

When performing Binning, feature construction involves converting numerical features into categorical ones. 

Decomposing variables are also used to construct features. These variables can then be used in machine learning algorithms, such as creating Dummy Variables through Encoding. 

You can also use pre-existing features to create new ones or take existing ones and build them from scratch. 

These methods can all be used to create different types of features. We have explored them in the blog posts below. 

Binning, which is the opposite of Encoding, allows for new categorical features to be constructed from numerical features. Sometimes, certain numerical features are not directly usable in the learning algorithm. In these cases, they must be converted to dummy variables first. This is how we create a feature by binning, then encode it. Binning can also be used to make features more responsive to different linear algorithms. They help decrease noise and increase the reliability of models. There are two types of binning: Supervised and unsupervised. 

Encoding is the process of creating features by converting categorical features to numerical features. It is, in a sense, the opposite of Binning. There are two types of encoding: Binary and Target Based. We will look at various Binary Encoding methods, including One Hot Encoding, Scaler Encoder, and Encoding through dummy variables. Label Encoder and Simple Replace are two other methods. All of these methods will be explored in this blog post.

There are many ways to create new features using pre-existing features. This blog post will make you aware of some of these options. Feature Crossed is one such method. This involves creating new categorical elements by using two existing categorical functions. You can also create new features by changing the measurement unit for a feature. A type of feature construction is also the creation of different KPIs.